The Taos Society of Artists

The Taos Society of Artists

(January 10, 2017 – April 30, 2017)

The Chief Speaks, Ernest L. Blumenschein (1874-1960), 1917, oil on canvas; Private Collection, photograph courtesy Gerald Peters Gallery, Santa Fe, N.M.

This major exhibition, sponsored by Scottsdale Art Auction, highlighted the important artwork and careers of the Taos Society of Artists (founded in 1915). It featured a selection of these 19 iconic artists’ finest and most valued works of art, on loan from institutions across the country, as well as private collections.

The members and associate members of the Taos Society of Artists shared a love of the regional location, local color and local people, especially the Hispanic and Pueblo Native American communities. Their paintings were characterized by dramatic landscapes, brilliant lighting, indigenous peoples and modernist techniques. The group’s groundbreaking artworks gave rise to a major school of American painting.