Dr. W. James Burns

Expressing one’s thoughts and feelings about the world is easier than ever in our high-tech society. Social media platforms and other means of electronic communication make it possible for us to share so much information in so little time. But how much are we truly processing?

Museums, perhaps now more than ever, provide a respite from the deluge of images and information that bombard us throughout the day. This time of year, everything slows down a little bit, the galleries are less crowded, and we plan the next season of programming designed to delight and educate audiences.

Programs and exhibitions are means of self-expression. The objects and artwork museums display and how we use them to enlighten our audience say a lot about who we are as an organization, why we exist, and the value we bring to the world.

Museum professionals draw inspiration for programs from the objects and artwork on display – it’s our team’s chance to be imaginative like the artists who created the wonders in the galleries. Objects and artworks tell us stories that inform our present, whether through emotions they evoke or memories they stir.

The North American West is rich with narratives that continue to shape the nation. Those narratives frame current events and could shape the region’s future. Western Spirit’s mission positions the museum to play a role in sharing stories about the region’s places, peoples, and landscapes.

Next time you visit us, pay attention to the stories you share with your companions as you wind your way through the galleries. Which artworks or objects spark meaningful dialogue, remind you of a connection, or feed your soul? May you carry those memories with you after your visit as you reemerge into our hectic world. See you soon at Western Spirit!

James Burns
Executive Director